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Bossier City lawyer
Attorney's Fees

What do we mean when we say Q Hood charges only 25%? We are talking about attorneys fees. All attorneys will charge a fee for handling your car accident case. This is how they are compensated for their services. This fee is usually charged on a contingency basis for accident injury cases. Below is a brief explanation of this fee and other possible expenses involved.


Contingency Fees

The majority of personal injury attorneys accept cases on contingency fee basis, meaning that if they win the case, they take a percentage of the received amount. This amount varies by individual attorney, but it typically ranges from one third to 40% of the settlement amount. Q Hood charges 25%!

The contingency fee is only paid if you collect money in your case. You will be responsible for additional costs and expenses, such as the claim filing fee and potential court fees, if your case goes to court. During your initial consultation with a personal injury attorney, be sure to inquire about all related fees and potential expenses.

Other Costs and Expenses

Costs and expenses incurred by your attorney will be reimbursed to the attorney out of the proceeds of the case. These might include but not limited to:


  • Medical document charges by physicians and hospitals.

  • Charges for photocopies.

  • Telephone calls

  • Photography costs

  • Expert reports and statements

  • Costs associated with litigation

  • Other contracts

lawyer in shreveport, has a law office in bossier city, handles personal injury cases. He is an accident lawyer in shreveport.

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